Spreading Mulch

Spreading Mulch

I fully support having the kids help with “fun projects” like spreading mulch. But the little kiddie wheelbarrow, cart and pails are going to make the project last forever. It’s going to take a lot of kids to distribute that pile.

Antique Car

Antique Car

Saw this antique car glistening in the sunlight on Farmington Avenue the other day. No driver was in sight and it was parked on the side of the road like any other vehicle. I have no idea what kind of car it is, but am confident is anything but ordinary.

Rose in Bloom

Rose in Bloom

The roses have been in bloom at Elizabeth Park for the past week or so. Different varieties hit their peak at different times, so the gardens are beautiful for much of the second half of June.

Kiosk Parking in Effect

Kiosk Parking in Effect

Kiosk parking was in effect this morning in West Hartford Center. When you pay at the kiosk you have to enter your license plate number, so make a mental note of that. Also, the parking rates increased to $1.50 per house, so a quarter will get you 10 minutes.

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Parking Kiosks

Amazing Balcony

Amazing Balcony

This intricate balcony caught my eye as I was driving towards Hartford on Farmington Avenue. It is on the south side of the road (the right for me), and is on the side of the building so it can only be easily seen as you drive east.